Encouraging Your Child To Be A Good Friend

The development of your child’s social skills must begin with the ability to form and maintain friendships. Your child will benefit from having good friends for a variety of reasons, including increased confidence and success in school.

Your child will also develop compassion and empathy through their friendships, in addition to other important life skills. Sadly, not every kid has an easy time mingling with peers. Some kids are more outgoing than others, while others may have problems sharing and working with others.

Children, in particular, need to understand the importance of putting in the effort to be a good friend in order to attract like-minded friends. It will take effort on your part to help your child grasp and use this notion. Young kids require more time and support to learn how to be good friends.

What you can do to encourage your child to be a good friend:

1. Instill confidence

Teaching your child to value themselves is the first step in helping them become excellent friends. A healthy dose of confidence encourages your child to be themselves around others. If a child has confidence in who they are, they will not feel the need to engage in bullying or other negative behaviors toward others.

A child who is secure in who they are will go on to form positive relationships with others and steer clear of toxic ones.

2. Teach kids why being a good friend is important

It’s crucial that your kid learns the meaning of friendship and how to form positive relationships with others. Let them know that excellent friends are considerate, generous, and attentive to one another’s needs. Share how friends brighten your life and how they comfort you when you’re down.

3. Take the lead as a model friend

Parents set an example for their children by modeling social norms. If you set a good example by picking your friends carefully and treating them with respect, your child will be more inclined to do the same.

4. Offer them socializing opportunities

If you want your kids to grow up friendly, you need to give them social opportunities. Developing into a kind person requires time and effort, particularly for young children. For instance, kids require social opportunities to practice generosity toward others.

True friends cherish the time they spend together. Therefore, letting your child hang out with their friends is essential for nurturing these ties as they grow up.

5. Invest heavily in preschool programs

Academic preschools and other early childhood education institutes can help your child develop social skills, communication and confidence. Your child can learn how to make be a good friend to others through regular encounters with their peers, as friendship is a skill that requires practice.

Preschool is a great time to learn social skills like sharing and using nice language. Your child will greatly benefit from frequent social encounters to foster the growth of these vital social and emotional abilities.

6. Teach them to be attentive listeners

Having good listening skills is a hallmark of a true friend. Train your little ones to be attentive listeners right away. Instruct them to make eye contact with others and listen to others’ ideas before offering their own.

As kids get older, impress upon them the importance of hearing and seeing what is being said.

7. Focus on what makes a good friend

You undoubtedly already have conversations with your child about the need for empathy, trustworthiness, honesty, and listening as social skills. Make sure they’re carrying over the lessons they’re learning at home into their encounters with the outside world.

8. Demonstrate positive social skills

One of the most influential people in your child’s life will be you, the parent. Be a nice friend to them, and they will see what it’s like to have a friend.

Treat others kindly, thoughtfully, and respectfully, and set an example for peaceful conflict resolution in your interactions with loved ones and acquaintances alike.

9. Show them how to negotiate solutions to problems

Teaching your children to resolve disagreements appropriately is an important life skill. This is because friendship is rarely a bed of roses. Kids need to be taught to advocate for themselves, establish limits, and take responsibility for their actions.

10. Get the kids to hang out with one another (playdate)

The best way to help your little one establish friends is to put them in situations where they can interact with other kids their age. Put them in a class with other kids their age, take them to the park, or set up some playdates.

Tips for a Successful Playdate

  • Select only certain toys for playdates and store away favorites in advance.
  • Ensure that your kids are properly fed and have had some rest. Everyone becomes irritable when they are hungry or exhausted.
  • Set a cap on the number of attendees. A perfect playdate size is two. Overstimulation is reduced as a result.
  • Select a game that your kid can enjoy with a friend.
  • A good length for a playdate is 45 minutes.
  • Maintain visual contact with your kid. This ensures their safety and security.

11. Encourage them to share and take turns

For children to become excellent friends, they should learn how to share as well as how to wait their turn. Your youngster can learn patience, generosity, and the ability to work together with others by sharing and taking turns.

Giving your child opportunities to share during play or allowing them to share their toys, food, or other things with other children is one approach to teaching them to do so.

You can also teach your child the value of sharing by showing them how you’re willing to part with some of your own possessions when they need them. Praising children for acts of generosity is important.

12. Recognize the good in their friendship

Parental appreciation should be given when positive friendship behavior is observed. Share your observation and elaborate on why you believe it’s significant.

Those are the kinds of traits that friends most value, so be sure to stress their importance. Affirmation is more effective than lectures at getting a message across to children.

13. Discuss your own friends

Children learn more by watching than listening. That is true not only of “hard” skills like reading, talking, or walking but also of “soft” skills like sharing, communicating, and listening.

Talking to and spending time with your friends will help your children understand more about the importance of friendship. Explain to your kids why you think your friend is wonderful and what qualities they possess.

Your guidance will enable your child to articulate what they value in a friend and how they can contribute positively to the social lives of those around them.


Being a good friend is something that can’t be learned suddenly. As a parent, you may face challenges when your child does not behave like a good friend. Sometimes, your child and their friends argue, get into fights, or spread rumors about one another.

Make it your goal to learn something from any argument that arises. Ask them how an honest friend would have behaved in a predicament. They will eventually become accustomed to the routine. With your help, they can learn to be reliable, trustworthy, and compassionate.

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