How To Have A Successful Bedtime Routine For Your Child

Kids require 10–12 hours of sleep every night for optimal growth and development. Parents also need to get enough sleep to be there for their energetic and developing young children. Problematic behaviors are more likely to surface when your child sleeps for fewer hours.

Your kid may have trouble regulating their emotions, be easily irritated, and have trouble making friends. Sleep deprivation might also negatively affect your child’s capacity to learn.

A child’s brain actively creates new cells while sleeping, which is essential for their physical, mental, and emotional growth. Young children and babies learn best through routine and consistency.

Make sure you and your child have a regular nighttime routine that works for both of you and puts everyone at ease.

A Bedtime Routine: What is it, and what are the benefits?

A bedtime routine is a series of actions done the same way each night before sleep. They aid in winding down your child, which is a good way to prepare them for sleep. Your youngster will learn to sleep independently and develop a sense of safety with a regular schedule.

Studies have shown that kids who stick to regular bedtime routines are less likely to have trouble falling asleep, stay asleep for longer periods of time, and wake up less frequently throughout the night. These improvements in sleep quality persist even after a long time has passed.

Healthy sleep habits not only help your child sleep better, but they also teach them self-care. In addition, they set the stage for future cognitive development in areas like attention, working memory, and sleep. In addition to potentially enhancing behavior, mood, and stress levels, they strengthen parent-child bonds.

These advantages enhance social skills, academic achievement, and school preparation in the long run. Teens who don’t establish a regular nighttime pattern as children are more likely to struggle with sleep and gain weight as adults.

Maintaining good habits as your child grows older is much simpler if you establish a regular sleep routine with them from the start.

Here’s how to have a successful bedtime routine for your child.

Bedtime Dos and Don’ts

Some things will keep your child from getting enough sleep and could even lead to bad habits if they continue. Of course, you’ll have to experiment to discover what works for your family because every kid is unique.

The following tips, though, need consideration when you work out your child’s bedtime routine:

What to do:   Be consistent

For optimal results, it’s best to stick to the same nightly routine for youngsters. For the full effect, it’s best if both parents are involved in putting the kids to bed at the same time. A child can unwind and look forward to bedtime when you stick to a regular schedule.

Listen to your child

Even if you’re the boss, giving your kid some freedom is good. As a good parent pay attention to your child’s complaints and adjust the routine if anything isn’t working with them before bed.

Stay active during the day

Kids sleep longer when you stick to a routine during the day and make boundaries apparent. They may also find that they sleep better at night with enough exercise, sunshine, and time spent outside throughout the day.

Maintain good sleep hygiene

The ideal conditions to help a baby sleep fast are a cool, dark, and peaceful bedroom. A soft nightlight can help a child who is afraid of the dark. If you have kids, switching to a quieter activity is best once they’re in bed. This is because the noise level in the house can keep them awake even after you’ve put them to bed.

Make small adjustments

When implementing changes to the bedtime routine, try to do it only in stages. Should other changes happen, like starting school or moving to a new house, you should postpone these changes. Move your child’s bedtime up or down by 15 minutes every night to accommodate their changing sleep needs.

What not to do:   Get a head start when they’re getting drowsy

Start the process before your child starts yawning; an overtired child is more likely to be hyperactive or irritable and have difficulty falling asleep.

Giving them access to screens:

Using electronic gadgets, especially those with blue light, too close to bedtime can significantly disrupt sleep.

During the day, your child should have lots of opportunities to burn off steam. However, ensure they don’t get too worked up at night or won’t be able to sleep.

Serve with sweet snacks or coffee

Snacks in the evening should be light and nutritious. Sugary snacks just before bedtime can cause cavities, and caffeine will keep children up. Pudding, chocolate, and breakfast cereals are unexpected places to find caffeine. If they’re nursing, take the bottle out of your baby’s mouth before bedtime.

Get the kids to sleep with scary stories

Keep away from anything that could keep your child awake at night, including terrifying stories.

Additional considerations:

  • Bed sharing has some dangers, such as the possibility of your child slipping out of bed, an adult rolling onto a child, and more frequent awakenings due to a lack of sleep. These dangers are on top of the fact that this is an extremely hard habit to kick.
  • Children often have nightmares and night terrors. Take immediate action to reassure your youngster whenever they experience them.

This can be achieved by reading a calming book, speaking softly, or listening to soothing music. Put your child back to bed when they are calm.

  • Don’t hesitate to put your little one back in bed if you find him or her sharing yours in the middle of the night.
  • Repeat night after night that your child must sleep in their bed. Even on nights when your child is not sick, they can ask to climb into your bed if you let them when they’re sick.
  • Get your child checked out by a pediatrician before trying these methods if you’re worried about a medical condition affecting their sleep or think they might be unwell.
  • Setting up a routine for your child’s bedtime and morning routine can be less difficult if your child maintains a consistent sleep routine. Even during the summer break from school or on the weekends, maintaining consistency is of the utmost importance.

Your child may fight these tactics initially, but staying constant will help them understand that the changes won’t go away. Listening to your child scream and beg for sleep before bed can be incredibly challenging, if not painful, but the long-term advantages are worth it.


Changing up the bedtime routine is a normal part of raising a child.

Many young children, especially toddlers, have severe separation anxiety during this developmental period. For added reassurance, once you exit the room, a comfort blanket or stuffed animal would be a wonderful addition at this stage.

As they begin to explore the world on their own, kids may act out or fight against going to bed. If you give them choices, like which book to read or what pajamas to wear, you can prevent them from procrastinating.

Getting ready for bed is more of an adventure and could need some imagination. When it’s time for bed, quietly but firmly tell them goodnight and exit the room.

Kids are prepared to take on greater responsibilities once they reach the school-age mark. Ensure they clean their teeth and put away their belongings before going to bed so they feel like they’re contributing to the process.

Give your teenager greater leeway in deciding how to get ready for bed because they know their bodies better than you do. However, to avoid completely disrupting their everyday rhythms by Monday morning, you should limit the number of sleep-ins they get on weekends.

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