When Do Babies Start Talking?

When Do Babies Start Talking? Most parents often wonder when their babies should start talking. During the early months, babies usually indulge in a lot of baby talk. As they develop mentally and physically, babies gradually learn to express themselves through speech. The age your baby starts talking varies depending on a wide range of …

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Baby Sleep Patterns By Age

Baby Sleep Patterns By Age On average, babies sleep for approximately 18 to 22 hours a day. Sleep is essential in a baby’s physical and mental development. Thus, it is essential to let your baby sleep for as long as they want to. Newborns often have longer sleep hours than older babies. As your baby …

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Do You Need To Pre-wash Baby Clothes?

Do You Need To Pre-wash Baby Clothes? Parents should ensure that they wash all new baby clothes before they get in contact with their baby’s skin. New baby clothes tend to be in contact with germs and harmful bacteria. As a result, they can lead to allergic reactions in your baby. Baby clothes are usually …

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What Is The Best Way To Burp A Baby?

Burping is an essential part of feeding. It helps in getting rid of excessive gas in your baby’s stomach. When your baby feeds from your breast, they tend to swallow air. Consequently, they may experience gassiness if you don’t burp them. Before putting your baby down to sleep, it is essential to burp them to …

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Do Babies Burp After Every Feed?

More often than not, babies burp after every feed. Burping helps in getting rid of gas in your baby’s tiny stomach. Therefore, burping makes babies more comfortable in their sleep. Additionally, burping creates more room for feeding in babies. Nonetheless, note that some babies don’t burp often. This is because they don’t swallow a lot …

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Why Do Babies Sleep Better When Held?

At times, it can be hard to get a few minutes of rest when your newborn is around. I mean, you spend most of your time constantly holding your newborn. Babies often sleep better when held since it makes them feel calmer and more relaxed. Even so, this can be exhausting for parents. In this …

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Do Pacifiers Have Side Effects?

As a new mother, you have to adjust to staying awake at night, as most babies tend not to sleep through most hours of the night. It might be frustrating as you may have tried everything to make your baby sleep all in vain. A quick google search on the problem will pop up the …

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Do Pacifiers Cause Gas?

As a new mum, you undoubtedly want the best for your infant. It is important to make sure the mental and physical health of your infant is in check. One of the most common moods boosters parents use for their infants is pacifiers. Pacifiers can help your baby calm down when they throw tantrums. However, …

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Should A Baby Sleep With A Pacifier?

As a new parent, you probably face a series of questions and decisions you’ve not dealt with before. These choices may feel weighty as they have a direct impact on your newborn child. Confusion piles up from the numerous varying parenting styles and methods in magazines, books, and friends. One of the areas with conflicting …

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How To Prepare A Child For School?

Starting school is an important phase not only in the child’s but also the parents. As a parent, you must prepare your child adequately for this step in their life because it’s an experience out of the norm for the child. There are basic skills you can start training your child to have an easy …

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