Teaching Your Toddler How To Talk

If you want to help your child develop their language skills, provide them with stimulating, language-rich activities and resources on a regular basis. Every child develops language at their own pace, so if yours hasn’t begun talking yet, you needn’t worry.

Some toddlers start talking early, while others don’t until later. Thus, there is no need for haste. As a parent, all you can do is ease their path to language development through various teaching techniques.

Some 10 ideas to encourage your little one to talk

1. Just keep talking to them

If your child isn’t talking yet, even if you feel like you’re talking to them a lot, it could be because you’re not. Even if they aren’t responding, you should still expose them to language as much as possible.

Everyday tasks like eating, cooking dinner, changing diapers, etc. are great opportunities to teach your child new words and phrases. Don’t be afraid to use more advanced words in everyday discussions with them.

2. Voice your excitement

The excitement of their parents is contagious to toddlers. They’ll pick up on your enthusiasm and be more likely to imitate you if you exhibit it in your facial expressions and tone of voice. Make sure your sounds, motions, and attitudes are extremely exaggerated.

3. Friendship

Becoming a toddler’s friend is the most effective method of encouraging them. No matter how hard you try, your toddler won’t open up to you if they aren’t interested. Take part in their games and have regular conversations with them.

This includes taking care of every aspect, from grooming to feeding. Parents, as the first point of contact for their children with the spoken word, it is incumbent upon you to be an engaging guide.

4. Passion for reading

Books are fantastic resources for helping your child develop linguistic and conceptual skills and a lifelong love of reading. One of the numerous advantages of reading to a young child is helping them acquire a larger vocabulary.

You can highlight pictures and objects in the book while you read it to your kid. Your child’s level of language development will determine whether you should speak the word yourself and have your child repeat the words or pictures.

Have your child point at an image while trying to utter the sound. Then, ask them what the action is or what the image is.

If you’re using electronic devices like a tablet or television to keep your kid occupied, try switching to books instead. Your child’s interest in reading will grow in proportion to their familiarity with books.

5. Name things

Point out things in the world and name them for your child to help them learn new words. The breakfast table is a great place to practice pointing out words such as jam, bread, cereal, toast, coffee, milk, and so on.

Taking your toddler to the grocery store can be a great opportunity to introduce them to new words and concepts by pointing out and naming various items.

Your toddler’s vocabulary will expand in proportion to the number of times you repeat each word. Keep in mind that a child requires a vocabulary to develop their speech skills.

6. Avoid distractions to maintain attention

Eliminating interruptions is one of the most crucial things you can do to encourage your toddler’s speech development. They can’t block out background noise like adults can, so you should keep them to a minimum. Refer to your child by their name when having a discussion to maintain their attention. Make sure your child looks at your face when you are talking to each other. This will facilitate faster and more thorough learning.

7. Share nursery rhymes

Sharing nursery rhymes with your young child is an entertaining and educational technique. It will help encourage language development. Songs and poems with simple melodies and memorable lyrics work successfully to improve language.

A child’s ability to listen and remember information is enhanced through repeating nursery rhymes. This is one of its primary benefits. Your toddler’s language development will benefit from hearing and repeating the rhyme’s phrases and words.

Toddlers are able to easily recall the words and phrases of nursery rhymes because of their repeating nature. They’ll gain the self-assurance and ease of public speaking that this provides.

8. Imitating

Help your youngster learn and recognize new words by repeating them often in an upbeat and passionate tone. Your youngster will learn these terms more easily if you use them frequently. Making a game out of it is one entertaining approach.

Try to choose educational toys that your child can mimic. Since kids would be gaining knowledge while having fun.

9. Offer them options

Allow your kid to choose their own activities and interests. Providing toddlers with options encourages them to think critically and speak freely. Don’t make them eat whatever you provide for supper. Arrange a variety of options for them to choose from, and ask them what they like best.

10. Use what piques their interest

Find out what your toddler is into and build on that. If they can’t get enough of a certain toy, song, character, or snack, indulge their obsession by giving them plenty of chances to play, hear, see, taste, and engage in conversation about it.

Do not force your child to sit down and learn animal noises if they are more interested in trucks and cars. Do what has proven successful. If they are enthusiastic about participating, you’ll have far less work to do.

Your toddler isn’t talking yet; what do you do?

However, despite your best efforts, your child may still have trouble expressing themselves verbally. Some of the signs of a language delay are:

  • Stumbling over words when trying to express yourself
  • Having difficulty keeping up with instructions
  • Not communicating by age two

Talk to your kid’s paediatrician if you’re worried. Intellectual difficulties and hearing impairments are two potential root causes of language delays.

A thorough evaluation of your child could be necessary to pinpoint the precise problem. Talking to an audiologist, a child psychologist, or even a speech therapist might be part of this process. These experts can diagnose the issue and provide ways to assist your child’s progress toward linguistic milestones.


The kid’s linguistic development occurs at various rates. It’s not right to judge one kid against another. Keep in mind that toddlers may become frustrated. This is because they want to communicate with you but are having difficulty finding the right words.

You’ll see progress if you engage your toddler in conversation while you go through some engaging activities with them. You’d need some quiet time away from all their talking before long.

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