How Parents Can Help Their Kids Succeed In School

Your role as a parent is to be the primary teacher for your child. School performance and kids’ attitudes about school improve when parents are actively involved.

The activities that a family participates in together are a more significant factor in a child’s academic achievement than either the family’s level of income or the parents’ level of education.

Parents can do a lot at home and throughout the school year to help their kids succeed academically.

Here’s how parents can help in the success of their kids in school. 11 tips discussed

1. Take part in their school activities

You have numerous opportunities to get involved in your child’s education. Additionally, there are occasions when all family members must be present, such as on school breaks. You can help by volunteering at school events, including humanitarian projects, plays, concerts, sporting competitions, and recitals.

Finding the right balance between showing your child that their actions are important to you and hovering too much may help them avoid social awkwardness.

2. Enroll them in extracurricular activities

Kids need time and space to develop emotionally, intellectually, and physically. This is why extracurricular activities like theater, music, sports, and scouting are well-liked. If you want your child to develop into a well-rounded individual, encourage them to participate in extracurricular activities.

Engage them in conversation by asking about their hobbies and passions. Encourage them to pursue their passions. Your child will grow as a person through participation in an extracurricular activity, and there are plenty to choose from.

3. Prioritize study time

Children benefit intellectually and socially from time spent playing alone and with others. Children should be encouraged to work first and play second whenever possible. A strong work ethic always pays off in the end.

There should be set study times for kids to get their coursework done. This time set aside for studying should increase as the youngster matures.

4. Provide a good place to do schoolwork

Make sure your kid has a space to study, a desk, a chair, decent lighting, all the required school equipment (note pads, protractors, rulers, calculators, pencils, paper clips, compasses, computers, pens, paper, etc.), and a peaceful environment in which to concentrate.

How well a youngster learns is critical to the child’s academic success. But every kid is an individual with their own set of unique personalities and traits. Some kids learn best by seeing things, while others do better by hearing things.

It’s up to you as a parent to determine what learning approach will work best for your kid. The following are examples of different learning styles:

  • Visual

Visual learning (using tools like drawings, graphs, and pictures) and “learning by doing.”

  • Social

If a kid is good at communicating, they’ll do better when working with others, whether in a group or with a classmate or parent.

  • Kinesthetic

To acquire knowledge via the senses of drawing, physical activity, and touch.

  • Solitary

Some kids do better when they can set their own learning agenda. If your kid is one of them, it’s your job to ensure they have the best learning environment possible while watching how they’re doing occasionally.

  • Verbal

Writing things down or listening to others explain them is a great way to learn.

  • Logical

The gaining of knowledge through detailed planning, linking information, and logical thinking.

5. An early bedtime

Getting enough sleep is crucial to learning. Lack of sleep will impair your child’s ability to focus, concentrate, and learn. So, prioritize their sleep.

Studies have shown that high school students who got As and Bs got an average of 25 more minutes of sleep per night than their peers who got Cs, Ds, and Fs. By just moving your child’s bedtime forward, you can help their education.

6. Make sure your kid does their homework

Make it clear to your child that you value education and expect them to complete their daily assignments. Setting a regular homework schedule, a quiet study space, and a lack of distractions like television and social phone calls can all help your child succeed in their schoolwork.

Praising all of your child’s efforts, helping with organization, checking in to make sure they complete their work and asking about daily homework are some of engagements that encourage your child to succeed. Showing interest and providing materials are other ways to help with homework.

Such input will go a long way even if you don’t feel confident in the subject matter or your ability to read and write English. Keep in mind that it will not help your kids in the long term if you complete their schoolwork for them.

7. Discuss academics with your kid

Outside of their family, school is the child’s primary focus. When kids are at odds with one another, it might cause problems that have nothing to do with education. A child’s difficulties will be easier to solve if they feel comfortable talking to you about them.

Children won’t tell you everything, but what they will share with you is priceless. It is important not to betray that trust in any way. This is because it is extremely difficult to regain once broken.

8. Encourage positive learning

Some kids don’t have a passion for education. Certain kids benefit more from visual assistance, while others learn best through experiential methods. Helping your child develop study skills in the most effective way is one strategy to support academic success.

Reading over the assignments with your child may assist. You should also think about establishing a regular study routine. Your child should devote a certain amount of time each day to studying.

A study schedule can help your child develop organization and time management skills that will serve them well in college and beyond.

9. Allow them to determine things without assistance

Teach your kids to consider options carefully before coming to you for help. Keep in mind that whenever you help your child do their homework or give them the answer to a question, you are robbing that student of the chance to learn how to solve the problem independently.

It is however fair to support a student who has made a sincere but fruitless attempt to study independently.

10. Setting a good example

Show your kid that education does not stop when the bell rings. Let them know that you are still willing to learn by modeling good study habits as you handle your daily work and home tasks. School-going parents can significantly impact their children, whether at the graduate or undergraduate level.

School is more than just a place where kids get lessons and grades. It’s also where they make friends, experience new feelings, and pick up valuable life lessons.

For this reason, you need to get involved if you want your kids to flourish into adulthood and reach their full potential. To accomplish this goal, you must maintain awareness of current events in the academic world.

11. Living a healthy eating/life

Slow and tired kids fare poorly in class. The food consumed may affect a person’s mental and physical abilities. A nutritious diet and plenty of exercise are important for your child’s attentiveness, interest, and intelligence.

Talk to your kids about the benefit of healthy diet. Walnuts and salmon are two omega-3 fatty acid-rich brain foods that can help a child’s memory and learning.


Every parent wants their child to succeed, and they define success as their child making an honest effort, no matter the grade at the end of the school year. If you want to grow closer to your child, encourage them to take charge of their education and overcome any obstacles they may face.

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