Sharing lessons helps kids develop a sense of humility, compassion, and teamwork. All kids may initially view this as a challenging task. A child’s brain may only be developed enough to understand sharing at a certain age.
For this reason, they may be too protective of their possessions. Children have limited attention spans, so even if they win the toy battle, they may lose interest and stop playing with it. Therefore, teaching children early on the value of sharing is crucial.
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11 ways to teach your kid to share
Here are some suggestions for getting your kid to start sharing.
1. Demonstrate everyday life examples
Highlight how people help and support one another in public. Teach them that sharing includes more than just material goods like food and playthings.
Let them know that emotions like affection, respect, and love are just as important. Show them the value of working together by giving them concrete examples.
2. Introduce the idea of turn-taking
Teach your kid to take turns when they’re ready to learn it. You may keep the fun going by taking turns passing a toy or ball around and saying, “your turn now”.
Keep the sharing momentum going by saying something like, “Dad’s turn now,” to reinforce further and introduce the concept of sharing.
3. Quality time with your child
A child learns by example and responds with the same behavior. Attached infants and toddlers are more likely to become generous as they grow older.
A youngster securely bonded to their parents does not need external validation of their value or a healthy sense of self-worth. For this reason, they need fewer attachment objects.
4. Compliment sharing actions
Teaching kids that helping others out of kindness and generosity is a nice thing to do can never hurt. Show your gratitude if they agree to share something with you. They will receive inspiration; if you recognize their efforts, they will be encouraged to repeat them.
5. Don’t ever force a kid to share
Put your child in an environment where they are encouraged to share. You may not place the same importance on a toy as a child. They might hold it in high regard.
If they are not listening, you can still teach them the benefits of sharing by modelling the behaviour yourself and modelling respect for their possessiveness. Seeing how your kid fares socially can help you determine how to guide them best.
6. Introducing activities that help kids share
Each child can play with a toy for some time before passing it on to the next when the buzzer sounds. Maintain your reassurance that everyone will have an opportunity. This journey will not be smooth sailing, so prepare yourself.
It will take several repetitions before they cheerfully surrender the toy. It will eventually become routine, teaching them the lifelong lesson that delaying gratification can have significant rewards.
If it doesn’t work, put the toy away for good. If they can’t learn to share, let them know they won’t be able to play with the toy. While they may sputter and snarl at first, they will eventually accept that sharing the item is preferable to losing it altogether.
They will learn to work together and compromise as a result.
7. Planning and taking the initiative
Ask the parents of the child’s playdate companions to bring toys if you expect your child’s unwillingness to share. New toys might be enticing to certain kids. Your kid will get the idea that they need to share when they see another kid doing it.
Your youngster should also bring toys to a playdate with a child who is not eager to share. Talk to your kid about how it felt when someone shared with them. Also, show them how nice it made others feel when they did the same.
8. Make it enjoyable
You should try incorporating more games that require working together and less emphasis on winning into your child’s daily routine. Put together a jigsaw puzzle by taking turns adding the pieces. You may also do things like clean the room or water the plants.
9. Safeguard your kid’s best interests
Protect and honor your child’s feelings for any special toys they may have. Simultaneously, stress the value of giving to others. A child’s sense of ownership over certain playthings is very normal. Keep that item safe, and gradually introduce them to the joys of sharing.
Talk to your kid about sharing expectations before a playdate. Encourage them to practice sharing by asking their playmate to do the same.
10. Be their role model
Sharing should be modeled for the child. Most of the time, people learn by imitating what they see around them. Show them how it’s done. Tell them you give your old clothes to charity and share books with your friends. Share your wisdom and set a good example for your kids by shedding light on everyday activities.
11. Provide them with sharing opportunities
Using older kids as role models is a great way to encourage younger kids to develop positive sharing habits. Instead of telling your child what to do, try nudging them in the right direction.
A toddler who has been the recipient of a kind act is likely to copy that act at some point. You’ll be thankful to see your little one behave well. Also, your child will learn the important lesson that sharing is caring.
Why is sharing essential for children?
The key to a happy and successful adult life is teaching children the value of sharing. It helps with socialization, friendship maintenance, group play, negotiation, and setbacks. Additionally, they may realize that giving to others often results in a similar act of kindness returning to them.
Because sharing is crucial to interacting with others, teaching it to your kids before they enter preschool or kindergarten is of the utmost importance. It fosters the development of solid relationships and lays the path for more peaceful playtime.
Sharing is a skill that should be taught to children as early as possible. Opportunities to develop generous attitudes exist at every developmental stage, from infancy through the school years. Take the initiative and teach others to share the spotlight.
By instilling in them the value of sharing, we provide our children with a foundational ability to help them build healthy relationships. It will also contribute to a more peaceful world.