Promoting Positive Behavior In Children Below 8 Years

Children under 8 years of age pick up new skills rapidly. Therefore, we must be mindful of our impressions of their impressionable brains. This will help to plant the seeds of good character.

The skills children acquire here will serve them well in kindergarten, elementary school, secondary school, college, and beyond. Since the child acts in a positive way and doesn’t do anything bad, the adult version of them will benefit from this attitude.

It’s common for parents to constantly remind their kids to do things like share, be courteous, and clean up after themselves. Rules and expectations should be communicated. But it is often more beneficial to lead by example.

Your child will learn the value of being nice and respectful if you model these attitudes.

Effective ways of promoting positive behavior in children

Be consistent

Kids benefit from stability. They may become confused if you respond to their actions in one way one day and another the next. In addition, everyone close to your child must take the same approach to deal with their behavior.

Employ firmness

Do not become angry and yell at a child when they act up. A simple head shake combined with a tightness in the face will do the trick. Your child’s reactions and interactions with other kids are strongly influenced by how you treat them.

All “punishments” should be proportional to the mistake. Overreactions will leave a lasting impression on the youngster. The child may develop social anxiety or other long-term issues as a result.

Praise the child for good acts

When a child helps you out, it’s important to show your appreciation. They will feel good about themselves and be more likely to return the favor by saying “thank you” to others in the future. In addition, a prize may be warranted. It’s possible to reach an accord.

If you want your kid to help out around the house, offer them a scoop of ice cream or extra time in front of the TV when they complete the task. This is a great way to teach the value of hard work and prevent a sense of entitlement.

Be a role model

The child will mimic their parents’ every move. Simply put, this is the result of natural selection at work. Therefore, it’s preferable to suppress negative emotions, at least in the child’s early years.

Instead of name-calling and physical confrontation, adults in the home should use logic and reason to resolve disagreements. The first few years of a child’s life will profoundly impact the course of their future.

Do not overreact

This is not always easy to do. Rage and frustration can build up when your child repeats the same bothersome behavior over and over again. It’s difficult to suppress anger at all times, but you should do your best.

Don’t let your anger get the best of you; instead, try seeing a counselor or talking to other parents. Get over it and move on to something else you can both enjoy or be proud of as quickly as possible.

Depend on reason instead of power

Most parents act under the false assumption that their kids just don’t get it. The opposite is true. When reprimanding a youngster for bad behavior, it’s important to explain why the child’s actions are improper and why they deserve punishment.

The same holds true when you need their assistance. Youngsters may not grasp its significance at first, but as they mature, they will.

Healthy eating

Most of us would rather not eat vegetables but yummy junk food. However, if you instill in them the value of a healthy diet, they will follow suit. Fruit and at least two different kinds of vegetables are good for every meal.

No bargaining is allowed during mealtimes. Anything on the table should be consumed. The kid will pick up the skill and be able to do it on their own in due time. Also, it will help them avoid a lot of health problems.

Be courteous

You should always apologize if you accidentally bump into someone or make a loud noise. In the future, when the child has done wrong, they will have the courage to apologize.

The child will learn an important lesson from this. It makes no difference if you are older or more powerful. You should have the decency to apologize if you’ve done something wrong.


Communicate honestly with the kid. Set aside some time to really hear them out every day. Then, if appropriate, you can provide your thoughts on the matter. People often make the mistake of listening only to formulate a response rather than passively taking in information.

This will teach children to be understanding and patient. The highs and lows of your day might have the same effect on others. Social anxiety is one of many problems that kids can avoid if they know how to talk to people.

Provide incentives

Positive support is an excellent way to assist your child. Give them kudos or serve their favorite snack at tea time.

If your youngster behaves nicely, let them know how proud you are of them. Don’t be vague. Remark on the child’s accomplishment by saying, “Good job putting your toys away when I asked you to.”

It would be best if you didn’t praise your kid prematurely or reward them for doing something they weren’t supposed to. That is not an incentive; it is a bribe.

Why is it so important to exhibit positive behavior?

  • It is easy to get accepted by friends
  • A child finds it easy to follow rules and regulations
  • A sign of maturity and development of social skills
  • One is able to enjoy healthy relationships
  • A sign of individual growth

Things that may influence the behavior of your child

Changes in one’s personal life

For children, transitions of any kind can be challenging. This could be anything from a new baby being born, to a playgroup starting up or a new nanny being hired.

Experience with dealing with challenging behavior 

Your child’s reaction to a given situation may result from how you’ve dealt with similar issues in the past. For instance, if you’ve used treats to keep your child occupied at the store in the past, they may anticipate receiving more treats the next time you visit.

Need for attention 

Your youngster may associate a tantrum with getting attention, any attention. Children may be restless through the night because they crave company or a hug. You can try to focus more on them while they’re being cooperative and less on them when they’re not.

It seems like things are tough for you right now

Children are excellent predictors of their parents’ emotional state. They are also fast to pick up on family strife. They could act up at a time when you’re finding it tough to keep it together.

Don’t put the blame on yourself if things aren’t going well. However, don’t hold your child responsible if they respond negatively.


Raising a child is difficult; raising them well is even more challenging. Every youngster may be taught self-control and good manners if given enough time. They will have a significant head start if they learn these skills at a young age.

Most of the benefits of raising well-behaved kids are for the kids themselves, but avoiding public shame is a nice bonus.

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